At the beginning of this course I stated that I thought I was pretty strong when it came to technology. I know now that I have a LOT more to learn. I feel like I've just barely uncovered the potential of Web 2.0 tools and classroom technologies. I don't know that I will ever again be naive enough to think I am "strong" in technology. With constantly changing innovations, I know now that I will always be a student of technology. I've accepted this and have vowed to stay proactive with new technologies and how they are used. While I cannot become an expert at everything, I will keep an eye out for those technologies that will contribute to a better library experience. To help with this daunting task, I will stay in touch with younger generations and let them have input into what technologies are offered in the library. I will read blogs and contribute to wikis. I am thinking of starting a wiki for library patrons to contribute their ideas for the library. I would like to blend the traditional library settings with virtual by incorporating social networking sites where patrons can share the books they read and users can add their own content. Users will be able to do their own booktalks for their peers to see. I am excited about sharing this part of my job with the students. I will have them as my coworkers, championing books alongside me. I am positive the will be better at "selling" the books than I am, and that does not sadden me. When the message of literacy is given by their peers, it is much more effective! My library patrons will become a part of the library themselves as their ideas shape the information technology within.