Krull, Kathleen. Harvesting Hope. San Diego: Harcourt, 2003.
Summary: Cesar Chavez was born and spent the first part of his childhood in Arizona on his family's farm. In Harvesting Hope, Cesar describes his childhood in Arizona as peaceful and happy, filled with wonderful memories of family gathering. After a devastating fire and his father's death, Cesar and his other family members are forced to move to California as migrant workers. Moving from place to place in search of work, Cesar is shocked by the changes in his life. As Cesar becomes aware of the poor conditions of migrant life and the lack of right it entails, he is determined to do something about it. Starting off brave yet shy, Cesar works to get the migrant workers to united for their rights. Always staying true to his ideals of peaceful change, Cesar eventually wins rights for the migrant workers. Chavez continues his fight until his death.
Kirkus Review (July 1, 2003)
"Cesar Chavez, like his heroes Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi, believed in non-violent change. He fought ceaselessly for the rights of migrant farm workers to have a decent living conditions and a living wage. Krull does not offer a birth-to-death biography, instead focusing on the influences of his early years, the organization of the National Farm Workers Association, and the first contract with the grape growers. She portrays Chavez as a quiet, patient, strong-willed man who believed implicitly in his "causa" and worked tirelessly for his people. She presents additional events in his life and the circumstances of his death in an author's note. Morales uses bright acrylic colors that flow across the pages, mirroring the constant movement in Chavez's life. The overall look of the work is reminiscent of a Diego Rivera mural. Krull and Morales introduce a long-neglected figure from recent history to a new audience in an informative, eye-catching manner. A notable achievement."