Monday, April 19, 2010
SLIS 5720- Handheld Devices
With $10,000 to use on handheld devices, I would first look at the composition of my library patrons and try to support their needs as is suggested in Nancy Courtney's Library 2.0 and Beyond (2007.) I will be using my current elementary school in this case. The majority of my students are considered low income. They are also considered "at-risk" due to being English language learners. Our school makes sure every household receives a free computer. Therefore, most of the students at my school have access to computers at home. However, because of financial difficulties, very few have access to internet. My students, for the most part do not have access to email or printers.Homework or projects that require technology aren't practical for these students. For these reasons, I think it is very necessary to buy MP3 players that can be used as storage devices so that students can transport their work between school and home. Also the MP3 players can also be used to read aloud directions to students for at home work (since most parents cannot read the English directions.) In addition, books and songs can be read abd sung aloud onto the MP3 so that the students can read/sing along with them at home (again because the parents are often unable to read with their children.) There are many uses for MP3s in schools with a majority of English language learners. To get the most bang for my buck, I would spend the majority of my money on MP3s ($5,000). In an elementary school, I also have to be aware of what is appropriate for the responsibility level of the students for this reason the rest of my purchases will be for check out by staff only. I would buy a few gaming devices like Nintendo DS or Sony PSP ($3,000) and make them available for checkout by teachers to use in the classroom. There are lots of educational games out there and these forms of education are motivating to even the most reluctant learners. I would also buy a few Blackberries or IPhones ($2,000) for staff members that need to be accessible to teachers during the day for questions and help. These would be for personnel such as the Principal, Vice Principal, Behavioral Specialists, counselors, instructional facilitators and even for teachers who are out at trainings or field trips and need to be able to stay in touch by email. I believe, considering the age and demographics of my school, this would be the most efficient use of my money.